2 Easy Strategies to Engage and Retain Your Subscriber Community

Think about the last time you received a newsletter or other correspondence by email.  What captured your attention?  Did you read the entire correspondence from start to finish?  Did you scroll through it to see what jumped off the page?  If you have unsubscribed recently, why did you unsubscribe?

Adding subscribers to your community is the first step.  Keeping them engaged and retaining them as subscribers should be your ultimate goal.
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Here are two easy strategies you can implement today to increase subscriber satisfaction.

1.  Include Value-Based Content.  A section of your newsletter should be dedicated to education, discussing new trends, and answering questions that will benefit your readers.  According to Aimee Graeber in “Is Your Email Retention Rate Too Low?” 66 percent of consumers have unsubscribed from email lists because the information wasn’t relevant to them.  If your subscribers know that each time they open your newsletter they will be introduced to information that will benefit them in some way, they will start to look forward to receiving your correspondence.  As a result, they will also be more likely to become a customer, refer new customers, and/or become a repeat customer.

2.  Include Visual Content.  As video and photos become more popular in social media, it is becoming more important to include some kind of visual content in your emails.  Back in 2014 Verónica Maria Jarski’s article, “20 Captivating Marketing Statistics That Will Drive 2014” highlighted that 65% of your audience are visual learners and that fundamental truth still holds true today.  Top banners with your picture, pictures, charts, and videos will grab the attention of your subscribers.  Once you have their attention, they will be more likely to view your newsletter long enough to read the content.  I don’t know about you, but I am so busy that when I receive an email I tend to scan it for highlighted text, pictures, and videos first.  If something sparks my interest, I usually take the time to read the article.

Take some time this week to review your latest newsletter.  Does it grab your attention?  Does it include valuable content?  If not, take some time to “spice it up” a bit.  Your subscriber community will appreciate it, and you may find that your community will start to grow leaps and bounds as you gain new subscribers and retain loyal followers.

If you have other strategies you use to engage your subscriber community, please share them below.  I would love to hear from you.



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